Carnot Efficiency

Graphical description of the Carnot Cycle and Carnot Efficiency. This is a PV graph showing the 4 stages operating between Th and Tc = Tl.[17]
Graphical description of the Carnot Cycle and Carnot Efficiency. This is a PV graph showing the 4 stages operating between Th and Tc = Tl

The maximum heat that can be converted to mechanical work is fully described by the Carnot efficiency; the ratio of the output work to the input heat of a system.  As a percentage of input heat the output work (ηth) can be expressed by the equation below, where Tc = Tl is the temperature of the cold sink and Th is the temperature of the heat source (in Kelvin).

Carnot Efficiency

There are many sources of irreversibility which contribute to loss of efficiency.[14]  The main contributing sources of irreversibility are: heat flowing directly from the source to the sink; the full temperature gradient may not be available due to thermal resistance across the path of heat flow; some of the work generated is converted back to heat by friction; the expansion may do no work and only increase the entropy (as in the case of expansion into a vacuum, no work is done).